CIAC’s Global Foundation is Registered in USA in the state of Delaware as Not for Profit organisation however the International Operation and Global Secretariat to manage administration & management is managed by the Global Secretariat, located in India Under CIAC Global Foundation. CIAC Also has other International Liasoning, & affiliated partners, chapters & representative offices at USA, Canada, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, UAE, South Korea, Bangladesh, Nepal, USA, Europe, Africa, and Growing.
The Secretariat, with the lead of the President/Directors, takes care of the following responsibilities:
- maintaining CIAC’s records (including the files, minutes, databases and financial records);
- preparing an annual Director’s report, financial statements, and any other relevant documentation to be approved by the General Assembly;
- managing projects carried out under the aegis of CIAC, including grant applications and reporting;
- preparing the annual budgets and work plans and ensuring, together with the President that they are followed;
- representing CIAC externally in the absence of Board members;
- collecting the annual membership fees, as well as the fees from Affiliates;
- preparing the publications of CIAC;
- foreseeing that the CIAC website is regularly updated;
- convening, preparing, organizing and recording CIAC’s meetings, including those of the Board;
- collecting any other financial contributions to the activities of CIAC;
- maintaining CIAC’s accounts and financial statements and submit these to the Board and the General Assembly;
- preparing, together with the accountancy agency, for the annual financial audit;
- functioning as a liaison between the Board, the Members and the main co-operation partners of CIAC;
- undertaking such other reasonable duties as the President may request;
- assuming any other responsibilities deemed necessary by the Board, not provided for in the Statutes;
For any questions or comments, please send your inquiries to the CIAC secretariat.